Počet zobrazení stránky

ClimTech 15 KW 10 KW 13KW 15 KW 19 KW 22 KW 27 KW 38 KW 47 KW 57 KW 76 KW 95 KW

Tepelné čerpadlo SR-16XB 
Compresor Copeland  15KW 

Cena  79.960,- kč

kontakt : 

Radomil Šejnoha

Whats App / Mobile

  + 420 792464322


2.1 Specification parameter

 Heating capacity
Rated power Input
Rated running Current
Max. Running Current
Power Source
Compressor type
Charged refrigerant(R410A)
Rated water flowheating
Connection pipe
Noise level
Dimension (W*D*H)
Environment temp. range
Net weight
Enclosure Class
Date, S/N:
See circuit diagram


Tepelné čerpadlo vzduch-voda SEJNOHA Climtec SR-16XB

Tepelné čerpadlo vzduch-voda Clim SR-16XB na 250 m²
Efektivní a ekonomická varianta pro vytápění obytných budov a komerčních zařízení. Tepelné čerpadlo vzduch-voda Clitech CAR-16XB na 250 m² je nejlepší volbou: nejvyšší úroveň účinnosti, práce s nízkým hlukem a nízkou spotřebou energie.

Čerpadlo zajišťuje výrobu tepelné energie z vnějšího vzduchu. Součinitel výkonu 4,45, za každý spotřebovaný kW elektřiny získáte topný výkon 4,45 kW, což je výrazně vyšší než u tradičních kotlů. Kompaktní celkové rozměry, nízká hmotnost, snadná instalace a údržba. Inovativní energeticky efektivní technologie a kvalitní montáž s 2letou zárukou od výrobce.

Návrh modelu Clitech CAR-16XB na 250 m2. zahrnuje:
  • kompresor typu scroll;
  • ochrana proti přehřátí a přepětí napětí.

Kromě toho lze připojit následující funkce:
  • napájení z třífázové sítě;
  • odmrazování dna;
  • měkký start.
Snižte náklady na vytápění vašeho domu nebo kanceláře pomocí moderních systémů dodávaných naší společností.

Tepelné čerpadlo vzduch-voda levně s garancí kvality. Prodáváme vysoce kvalitní a certifikovaná zařízení a systémy, zajišťujeme rychlou dodávku instalace a uvedení do provozu. Nejlepší hodnota na trhu, záruka na výrobky a vykonaná práce. O nákup a instalaci zařízení můžete požádat prostřednictvím obchodního oddělení společnosti. Telefonní čísla, e-mailová adresa a další kontaktní informace jsou uvedeny na webu.

Zakoupením tepelného čerpadla SEJNOHA SR-16XB od nás získáte:

•                      Cena, 2-3krát nižší než ceny podobných modelů;
•                      Nákladově efektivní a energeticky efektivní model s vysokým poměrem transformace 
(COP) 4,45
•           Systém  šetrný životnímu prostředí bez toxických emisí, který využívá pouze elektřinu;
•                      Model s minimálními náklady na design a instalaci;
•                     Jednoduchost instalace - tento model lze snadno instalovat do stávajícího / nového topného  systému a přívodu teplé vody;
•                      Kompaktnost a minimální plocha pro instalaci tohoto modelu;
•                      Osvědčený a spolehlivý systém - čerpadla prošla tovární kontrolou;
•                      Téměř ticho - hodnota šumu je <52 db="" font="">
•                      Systém, který se snadno udržuje a nevyžaduje stálou pozornost;
•                      Návratnost investice po 2 letech;
•                      Záruční servis 24 měsíců.

Popis tepelného čerpadla Clim SR-16XB

Typ: vzduch-voda, ventilátor nahoře.
Tento model je nákladově efektivní alternativou k kotlům používajícím tradiční paliva. Díky energeticky účinným vlastnostem tohoto systému je tento systém optimální volbou, která snižuje spotřebu energie a emise CO2.
Takové tepelné čerpadlo vám umožňuje čerpat nízkoteplotní energii ze vzduchu a použít ji k ohřátí chladicí kapaliny na teplotu 60 ° C.
COP tohoto systému je 4,45. To znamená, že po spotřebě 3 kW elektřiny získáte topný výkon 14 kW, dostatečný pro vytápění místnosti, o výměře 250 m2. Proto je použití tohoto systému tepelného čerpadla 3 až 5krát účinnější než použití tradičního palivového kotle.

Model Clim SEJNOHA SR-16XB Top Fan je vybaven:

•                      hermetický spirálový kompresor Copeland Emerson;
•                      vestavěná ochrana proti:
•                      přehřátí;
•                      nesprávné připojení;
•                      poklesy napětí.

Výměník tepla je uspořádán na principu „potrubí v potrubí“ s pracovním tlakem v rozsahu od 29 do 1000 barů a vysokou účinností.

Další možnosti:

•                      Měkký start: + 260 $;
•                      Rozmrazování dna: + 130 $;
•                      Připojení: třífázové; 380-410V / 50 Hz;
•                      Rozměry: Šířka / Výška / Hloubka (mm) - 1110/695/460;
•                      Hmotnost: 120 kg.

kontakt : 

Radomil Šejnoha

WhatsApp / Mobile

  + 420 792464322


 Model SR-12XBSR-14XBSR-16XB SR-20XB SR-24XB  SR-28XB SR-40XB SR-48XB SR-60XBSR-80XBSR-100XB
 Heating capacity KW10.8113 15 19 22 27.1 38 46.2 57.1 76 95
 Hot water output T/H 0.23 0.27 0.3 0.41  0.46  0.58  0.82 1 1.23  1.63  1.99 
 Input power KW 2.34 2.7 3.4 4.1 4.68  5.9  8.2  10.2 12.2 16.2  20.5
 Input current A 11.23/6.5 13.1/7.5 14/7.5 6.66 12 11 13.34 16 20 26.51 33.1 
 Power source 380V/3N/50HZ or 220V/1N/50HZ 380V/3N/50HZ
 Noise level dB(A) <53   <53 <53  <55   <55 <60 <63 <64 <66 <68 <68
 Unit weight Kg 120  135 145   155 175  180  245 280 310 560  630 
 Unit size W x D x H cm
 Up fan type 67x64x82 67x64x82 81x78x105 81x78x105 88x78x105 88x78x105 145x78x105 145x78x120 145x78x140 170x90x125 180x101x125
 Side fan type 88x37x100 88x37x100 90x42x140 90x42x140 90x42x140 141x50x150 / / / / /
 Connection pipe size DN DN20 DN20 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN32 DN32 DN32 DN40 DN50 DN50
 Test conditions:Air source side DB/WB is 20℃/15℃,initial hot water temp 15℃, ending hot water temp 55℃.

Tepelná čerpadla 
CAM serie
5 pracovního režimů:

Sanitární horká voda 60 ℃

Tepelné čerpadlo běží pouze na teplou užitkovou vodu, funkční po celý rok, zvláště užitečné, když uživatelé na jaře a na podzim nepotřebují vytápění nebo chlazení klimatizace.

Vytápění klimatizace

Jednotka běží pouze pro vytápění klimatizace, jedná se o stejný režim provozu běžné jednotky pro vytápění vzduchu.

Klimatizace topení + teplá voda

Práce na jednotkách trvají nejdříve před ohřevem teplé vody, když uživatel dosáhne nastavení teploty vody, přepne se na přípravu teplé vody (ohřev vzduchu). Když potřebuje teplou užitkovou vodu, jednotka tepelného čerpadla bude produkovat horkou vodu a když nepotřebuje teplou vodu, produkuje klimatizaci horkou vodu pro vytápění prostoru.

Chlazení klimatizace + horká voda

Když jednotka běží, bude provádět chlazení horké vody a klimatizace současně, podle teploty pro ovládání režimu provozu jednotky. Když teplota teplé vody dosáhne uživatelského nastavení teploty vody, automaticky se přepne do režimu chlazení klimatizace; jakmile teplota klimatizace dosáhne nastavené teploty chlazení, automaticky se přepne do režimu teplé vody. A když chlazení klimatizace a teplota teplé vody získají nastavenou teplotu uživatele, tepelné čerpadlo přestane běžet a přejde do pohotovostního režimu.

Chlazení klimatizace

Jednotka běží pouze pro chlazení klimatizace, je to stejný režim provozu běžné jednotky chlazení vzduchu.

Vytápění klimatizace

Jednotka běží pouze pro vytápění klimatizace, jedná se o stejný režim provozu běžné jednotky pro vytápění vzduchu.

 AC heating with hot water       
 Heating capacity  11 14.8 19 22 30.4 38 57 76 90
 Hot water output T/H 0.24 0.32  0.41 0.48  0.66  0.82  1.23  1.63 1.94
 Input power KW  2.44 3.2  4.07 4.88 6.52   8.15  12.22  16.74  18.66
 AC cooling with hot water
 Cooling capacity kW 7.8 10 13 15.6 20.8 25.9 38.9 51.9 69.3
 AC water flow M3/H 1.34 1.72 2.24 2.68 3.59 4.45 6.69 8.92 10.53
 Heating capacity KW 10.5 14.5  16.5 21 26.4  33 49.5 66 77.6
 Hot water output T/H 0.22 0.27 0.35 0.42 0.58 0.7 1.06 1.4 1.7
 Input power KW 2.3 3.1 3.7 4.6 5.92 7.4 11.17 14.9 17.3
 EER+COP 7.96 7.88 7.97 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.91 7.91 8.02
AC cooling
 AC cooling capacity KW 7.44 9.8 12.4 14.88 19.84 24.8 37.19 49.6 66.2
 Input power KW 2.58 3.4 4.3 5.16 6.88 8.6 12.96 17.3 22.4
 Power source  220V/1N/50HZ 380V/3N/50HZ
 Noise level dB(A)  <55 span="">  <55 span="">
 Unit weight Kg 110 165  175 220  340 340 630  830 930
 Unit size W x D x H cm  71x71x81 81x78x105 81x78x105 130x64x74 130x64x74 145x78x105 170x90x125 200x103x209220x103x209
 Connection pipe size DN DN20 DN25 DN25DN25 DN32 DN32 DN38 DN50 DN50
 Test conditions:1.Rated cooling working condition: 1.Air source side inlet water temp is 35℃, AC side inlet water temp is 12℃, outlet water temp is 7℃
2.Rated heating&amp;hot water condition: Air source side DB/WB is 20℃/15℃,initial hot water temp 15℃, ending hot water temp 55℃;AC side inlet water temp 40℃,outlet water temp 45℃. 3.Rated cooling&amp;hot water working condition: initial hot water temp 15℃,ending hot water temp 55℃;AC side inlet water temp 12℃,outlet water temp 7℃.

Standardní vlastnosti
  • Pozoruhodná úspora energie Tato řada SAM má dvě funkce, v létě může poskytovat současně chlazení klimatizace a teplou užitkovou vodu, takže kombinovaný COP + EER je vyšší než 7,9, to znamená, že horká užitková voda je poskytováno volně při používání klimatizace, snížilo provozní náklady. 
  • Více funkcí. Ve srovnání s ostatními jednotkami byla Clitech klimatizace a integrovaná jednotka ohřívače vody vybavena vynikajícími funkcemi. V létě vám může poskytnout tři funkce teplé užitkové vody samostatně, odděleně klimatizaci a horkou vodu s chlazením klimatizace současně. V zimě zajišťuje ohřev teplé užitkové vody a klimatizace. Naše jednotka může uspokojit požadavky uživatelů na jakémkoli místě. 
  • Spolehlivý provoz Řada Clitech SAM přijímá celý utěsňovací kompresor, vysokou účinnost a úsporu energie, spolehlivý chod, vynikající výkon. Vybaven vysoce účinným hydrofilním hliníkem a trubkovým měděným trubkovým výměníkem tepla, nízkootáčkovým ventilátorem, zajišťujícím spolehlivost a stabilitu jednotky.
  • Úspora nákladů Řada SAM poskytuje chlazení a vytápění dvě funkce, není potřeba chladicí věže, bojleru ani jiné relativní jednotky, takže se sníží počáteční investiční náklady a každodenní provozní náklady, velmi snadno se vyřeší otázky chlazení a teplé užitkové vody. 
  • Široké použití Řada tepelných čerpadel SAM Clitech s výhodami nízké spotřeby energie, nízkého nosu a snadnou instalací uspokojí všechny potřeby průmyslu a obchodu. Kromě běžného chlazení chladicího vzduchu může být použit i topný systém sanitární horké vody, široce použitelný v hotelích, jídelnách, supermarketech, kancelářích atd.

Tepelná čerpadla pro vytápění domácností

Jak vybrat a koupit čerpadlo pro vytápění?

Tepelné čerpadlo je inovace ve světě vytápění. Technicky složité zařízení je ve své podstatě druhem ledničky s negativním pracovním cyklem. Tepelné čerpadlo akumuluje nízkou potenciální energii Země, Slunce, vzduchu a podzemní vody a upravuje ji na vysoký potenciál, který směřuje do vytápění místnosti.
Ve srovnání s podobným zařízením má tepelné čerpadlo velmi významné výhody:
  1. šetrnost k životnímu prostředí;
  2. bezpečnost
  3. ziskovost;
  4. nedostatek provozních nákladů během provozu.
Tato inovace nepoškodí ekologický systém a ozonovou vrstvu planety pomocí moderních chladiv a úplného odmítnutí produktů spalování (plyn, ropa a její deriváty). Pokud jste zodpovědní za své zdraví, své rodinné příslušníky a ekologii planety jako celku, stačí si koupit čerpadlo pro vytápění. Obnovitelná energie střev Země a Slunce významně šetří zdroje planety a snižuje používání minerálů.

Manual Index 
1.    Product introduction

l  Convenient operation
Microelectronics control, all temperature settings are set by manufacturer. System tests water temperature and adjusts water temperature automatically, all user need to do is just to press ON/OFF button. System finishes the other operation automatically.
l  Excellent performance
Adopt world famous components, and the best match of system design. Scroll compressor with high EER and low noise. High efficient heat exchanger insures the utmost using of system capacity. Professional air conditioner water pump insures smooth and quiet operation.
Models adopting two compressors system may operate with one compressor on condition of partial load, energy-saving design.
l  Easy to install
The system is designed with full consideration of insuring installation as easy as possible. Refrigerant circle what is a sealed complete system is finished by manufacturer. No needs for users to connect copper pipes or refrigerant charging. Hydraulic circle of system can be connected to hydraulic terminals by two tubes.
l  Operating protection
System is designed with over voltage, under voltage, over load protection to insure safe operation. The microelectronics controller can start or switch off the machine by judging the water temperature. If the water temperature is lower than designed water temperature, the machine will be switch off to avoid freezing. The microelectronics controller can also supervise the status of components. Malfunction occurred would be transmitted to the controller and displayed through malfunction code.
l  Flexible applicability
Compactly design. System can run at conditions of high ambient temperature or low ambient temperature with high EER.
l  Convenient for maintenance.
Suppose system is stopped by malfunction, special malfunction code will be displayed. The cause may be found out easily.

1.2      The figure of working principle

1  Compressor
2 Four-way valve
3 Tube in tube heat exchanger
4  Pressure  switch
5 Pump
6 Drier and Filter
Liquid tank
8 Electronic Expansion Valve
9 Gas-liquid segregator
10  Fin/tube heat exchanger
11 Highpressure switch
12 Lowpressure  switch

NOTE: The pressure drop switch and pump are not equipped with factory standard configuration.

2.    Technical data

2.1 Specification parameter

 Heating capacity
Rated power Input
Rated running Current
Max. Running Current
Power Source
Compressor type
Charged refrigerant(R410A)
Rated water flowheating
Connection pipe
Noise level
Dimension (W*D*H)
Environment temp. range
Net weight
Enclosure Class
Date, S/N:
See circuit diagram


1. Standard heating conditionsAir-side inlet Dry-bulb temperature 20, Wet-bulb temperature 15;Heat water inlet temperature is 15, outlet water temperature 55.
2.Manufacturer tests the noise level showed above in lab. The noise level of installed unit could be different with above data due to the surrounding condition.
3.Manufacturer keeps the right to change technical data due to technical improvement.

   The selection of installation location
The installation location must match the following conditions
Ÿ Make sure the installation environment is open surrounding and good ventilation.
Ÿ This unit cannot be installed at hot and humid place like laundry.
Ÿ Released condensing air must not be sucked directly by the machine itself or other machines
Ÿ Suppose the machine is installed room inside and ventilation is not good, air duct is needed to conduct condensing air outside. But the duct should be as short as possible to avoid big pressure drop
Ÿ The machine may be installed above the ground or the roof, keeping enough space between the bottom plate and ground. In order to assure draining water effectively. And the bracket must has enough carrying capacity;
Ÿ Hydraulic circle charged with clean water, no dust or oil. Soft water is recommended
Ÿ Make sure no barrier around the unit, ensure the good ventilation of condensing air flowing.
Ÿ Make sure that the released air from condenser or unit operating noise will not impact the living of neighbor.
Ÿ The unit must be installed firmly, and the bottom of unit must be horizontal (the gradient must be less 5 degree)
Ÿ Keep enough space between the machine and wall. It is convenient for unit's repair and maintenances; and also you shouldn't lay the pipelines and top-ray tubes on the unit. The suggested installation location as below. (Unit: mm)

Attention of moving machine
Ÿ  Fork lift stacker or crane is suggested to move the machine
Ÿ  The surrounding ambient temperature of unit during
transportation must be among –25 to 55

Ÿ While suspending the machine, crane cable must be tie to machine tightly, keeping the machine horizontal. The crane cable should be protected from touching the heat exchanger or panel.
Ÿ disassemble the ground bolt in the pallet after the machine is well located, and take the pallet aside
Ÿ Rubber gasket is recommended to reduce vibration and noise while rivet the bottom plate.
 Water pipe connection
Ÿ Heated water pipe must be packed with thermal isolation material to avoid thermal capacity loss or dew dropping.
Ÿ Inlet connection pipe must be equipped with a water filter.
Ÿ The connection water pipes must be well matched (refer to specification parameters sheet.)
Ÿ While connecting pipe, the tie-in of machine side water pipe must be fixed by a clamp firstly, then rotate the pipe. This is to avoid wrest strength goes to tie-in directly.
Ÿ PVC or PP-R pipe is recommended to use as water pipe.
Ÿ Machine is equipped with water pump and flow meter.
Ÿ  Drain cock should be installed at the highest point of hydraulic circle. After the hydraulic circle is connected completely, discharge air inside hydraulic circle.
Ÿ Drain valve should be installed at the lowest point of water pipe.
 Please note:
Ÿ The appliance shall be installed in accordance with national wiring regulations.
Ÿ Please make sure the following working conditions. The air temperature is -1043℃ and humidity is less than 90%, the voltage can not be more or less than 10% of rated voltage and the frequency can not be more or less than 1% of rated frequency. The height above sea level should be less than 1,000 meters.
Ÿ Working water temperature available from  350℃, maximum water pressure 10 bar.
Ÿ Wires must be connected according to the instruction of electrical connection diagram.
Ÿ Also an all-pole air-break switch is needed and the pole clearance should be more than 3mm.
Ÿ The ground wire must be well connected. Ground wire can’t be connected to coal gas pipe, water pipe or telephone wire.
Ÿ The supply power must have over voltage and low voltage protection equipment. Make sure no phase disorder (L1 to R, L2 to S, and L3 to T). Suppose phase disordered, system can’t be started, and no display in controller.
Ÿ Drain electricity protection switch is needed for the system. No drain electricity protection switch may cause electrical shock.
Ÿ The operation handle of power switch is suggested to be black or gray and it can be fixed at OFF status. The installation location of power switch is suggested among 0.6 to 1.7 m. electrical short circuit protection is needed.
Ÿ If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

Ÿ Do not dispose this product as unsorted municipal waste. Collection of such waste separately for special treatment is necessary.
Ÿ Meaning of crossed-out wheeled dustbin: Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted municipal waste, use separate collection facilities.
Ÿ Contact you local government for information regarding the collection systems available.
Ÿ If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substances can leak into the groundwater and get into the food chain, damaging your health and well-being.
Ÿ When replacing old appliances with new ones, the retailer is legally obligated to take back your old appliance for disposal at least free of charge.
Ÿ It is prohibited to dispose of this appliance in domestic household waste. for disposal there are several possibilities:
a)            The municipality has established collection systems, where electronic waste can be disposed of at least free of charge to the user.
b)             When buying a new product, the retailer will take back the old product at least free of charge.
c)             The manufacturer will take back the old appliance for disposal at least free of charge to the user.
d)             As old products contain valuable resources, they can be sold to scrap metal dealers. Wild disposal of waste in forests and landscapes endangers your health when hazardous substances leak into the ground-water and find their way into the food chain.

3.2 Water system installation

1 Air To Water Heat Pump
2 Flexible joint
3 Water flow switch
4 One way valve
5 Water pump
6 Shutoff valve
7 Supply solenoid valve
10Y-shaped filter
11 Water tank

NOTES: The unit is provided by the manufacturer, the other fitting is not equipped with unless prior agreement with the manufacturer to purchase.
Hydraulic circle is recommended while installing Air Source Heat Pump Water Heater. The installation of hydraulic circle can be finished according to above chart.

NOPlease do exhaust the air in water system before running the machine, if you completely finished the circulating water system piping.

The water flow switch must be installed at the straight pipeline section of the same level, from the elbow, valves and other pieces of partial resistance to more than 5 times the diameter.

The pipe must be insulated closely in order to improve cooling (heating) effect and energy conservation

The take-over of this unit must be installed with drainpipe to make it convenience to drain water inside the unit and prevent it from freezing.

3.3 Electrical installation


DIP Switch 1 dial to ON be single-phase electricity, dial to number is three-phase electricity.
DIP switch 2 dial to number is Pool Machine.
DIP switch 3 for backup.
DIP switch 4 dial to ON is cyclical mode, dial to number is directly outlet water mode and cyclical mode

Unit wiring
Voltage (V)
Power wire
Allowed max current (A)
Allowed leakage current

Attentions of wire connecting
Ÿ All wires must be well connected.
Ÿ All wire should avoid touching refrigerant tube. If it is not avoidable, vibration protection and isolation must be well done.
Ÿ All wire no touch to compressor, fan motor or any other kinetic components.

3.4 System test

1 Checking items before test run of system
1)Seal test to make sure system is well sealed.
2)Power source checking to make sure required voltage and current are available.
3)Pressure inside hydraulic circle reaches to operating pressure1-3kgf/cm2
4)Make sure hydraulic system inside is clean and no jam.
5)Make sure hydraulic circle is fully filled with water and no air inside.
6)Check to make sure all valves are switched on, well thermal isolated.
7)Make sure all electrical wires are connected correctly according to wiring instruction, and wiring screws are driven properly.
8)Discharge the air inside hydraulic circle by manual drain cock in hydraulic tube and drain cock on the water pump.
9)Check if there is visual damage caused during transportation.
10)Make sure all wiring correct.

2 Commissioning
1)Make sure all above checking items are passed.
2)Open controller cover, then connect the power source wires. If the power source is three phases, check the phase order immediately. Red lamp on controller board will light while phase order is correct. Check if water pump works smoothly. If there is screaming from water pump, it means there is air inside the water circle. In this case, stop the machine and discharge air inside water circle. Then start machine again. The compressor and fan motor will start to run 3 minutes after the system is switched on. Check if compressor and fan motor run at right direction. If the direction is not correct, change the wire connection of two phases among 3 phases. Then start machine again.
3)Check if there is unusual noise from system by listening. If there is, switch off the machine and check system. If no unusual noise, let system running.
4)If all checking items passed, keep system running.
5)At heating mode , if water tanks temperature≤45, compressor starts to work. The compressor stop working until the water tanks temperature increase to 50.
6)Check the temperature difference between return water temperature and outlet water temperature of outdoor unit. Normally, the temperature difference should be less than 6. If the temperature difference is over 6, check if air flow match designed standard.
7)All hydraulic circle filters must be cleaned after finishing test run.

4.    Control Description

4.1 Operation Panel Description

Water level (unused)

Hot water sign

Cooling sign

Plus/ orced cooling


Minus/Compulsory defrosting

Output state display

Water tank temp/Query temp /Fault parameter display


Inquiry/Parameter set/Password settings


Timer/Cancel timing/Clock set


Timer/Clock display

1,       Operating
Operation panel power, the buzzer blew, the backlight is micro-light, then button is locked, presses any key are invalid.

2,       Unlock the button
Fingers touch the "power" button and more than about 3 seconds, when hear the "toot" sound and release finger, then backlight brightness, the buttons are unlocked (about 60 seconds when no button operation, the keys are automatically locked)
3,       ON/OFF the unit
Fingers touch the “power " button, if the panel is off status, the unit will be switched on, if the panel is on status, the unit will be switched off.
4, Water tank temperature setting
Press the “up” and the “down” buttonthe “set temperature” is flashing, displaying the setting water tank temperature, and press the “up” button or “down” again for water tank temperature  the setting range 20 to L4 (Factory set to55)

Set water tank temperature

Set temperature symbol flashing display

5, Parameter query function
Finger touch "setting" key to enter query mode

Query value

Query code
 Finger touch "setting" key, the query code by A1 to A2-A9, Er; if it is a single system model, and then finger touch “setting " key will exit the check mode, if a double system model, and then finger touch the " setting " key, the query code by b1 to b9, then finger touch " setting " key will exit the query.

Fan coil temperature
Return water temperature
Suction temperature
Discharge temperature
The current of compressor
Environment temperature
Outlet water temperature
Fault code

6, Parameter setting function
Finger touch the "setting" key and more than about 3 seconds, when the "toot" sounds after the removal of fingers, enter into the parameter setting mode

The setting code

The setting value
Parameters set up, the finger touch "setting" button, then enter the next parameter set until all the parameters set finished out set up.

Parameter name
/ / /
Water tank temperature setting
Tank temperature deviation
Compressor restart temperature deviation
Set outlet water temperature
Maximal water tank temperature

Parameter name
Electric start temperature
00 mean no electric heat
Return water temperature
Supplement water temperature
20℃(20℃ mean no supplement)
Compressor current
Defrosting period
20 minute─99 minute
35 minute
Allow  temperature for defrosting
Defrosting time
5-20 minute
10 minute
Defrosting quit temperature
Electronic expansion valve adjustment period
Degree of superheat
Allow the discharge temperature protection
When frost of electronic expansion valve opening
The minimum expansion valve opening
Superheating temperature compensation

 Fix time setting

There is a total of 4 groups of timer, Finger touch "timer" button, enter the time (ON/OFF the machine) set up.
First adjustment is the first time in the regular start the unit “hour”, and then finger touch "timer" button again, then adjust the first paragraph time.
Timing of the regular boot "minutes", and then finger touch "timer" button, that touch the "timer" key, then adjust the timing of the first paragraph of time off, "minutes", and then finger touch "timer" button, then enter the second timing of the regular section of the switch on, "hour" setting ... ... until all the time be set up and quit.
After setting all the time when the exit time set mode, the display timer switch on /off the machine sign.

Time period (the 01 group)

Set the time through up and down button

Finger touch "function" key and more than about 3 seconds, when the "beep" sound after the removal of fingers, then enter the parameter setting mode, then finger touch "function" key and more than about 8 seconds, when hear the "beep" sound after the removal of fingers, limited access to the password set up. (The function is unused.)

10, Force defrosting
When the system is on and the press starts, with your fingers touch the "down" key and more than about 8 seconds, when the "beep" sound after the removal of fingers, then the system enters defrost, or when the coil temperature to defrost time to exit the defrost.

Defrost display

11, Cooling model
When the system is turned on, with your fingers touch the "up" key and more than 8 seconds, when the "beep" sound after the removal of fingers, then enter the water cooling function, then set the temperature adjustable from 5-30 degrees. In the cooling water feature, with your fingers touch "up" key and more than about 8 seconds, when the "beep" sound after the removal of fingers, then again into the hot water supply function.

Cooling display

4.2 Function description

1Heating mode
1.1 Processes
started      machines work 16s     check water flow switch      fan work6s   compressor work
2Condition to turn on the electricity increase heat-supply
A. system working at creating hot water state;
B. water box temperature +5℃≤ setting temperature
C. Ambient temperature ≤ L5℃;
All of the above conditions satisfy at the same time, the electricity-supplement increase hot could start.
2.1 Condition to cut off the electricity increase heat-supply
A. compels to remove frost state;
B. water box temperature≥ setting temperature
C. L5 is set by 0
The above condition satisfy any one of them, the electricity-supplement increase heat could cut off.
Note: When the valve of L5 set to 0, the features no electric.
3defrosting running (In case the system does not change the parameter default to the following defrosting process, such as changes according to the modified form of cream)
3.1 Enter frost condition
A. heating compressor run about h1 minutes, and run more than six minutes continuously;
B. outdoor coil heater brass pipe temperature lower than h2 (could set up h2=-1℃)
System goes into remove frost when meet above A, B condition; when remove frost ending, LCD scream show remove frost mark. (When remove frost, turn on cycle water pump, cross valve and compressor turn on, close fan)
3.2 withdraw from frost remove condition
A: Outdoor plate pipe temperature ≥ h4 (initial=12℃)
B: Remove frost time ≥ 10 minutes ( when p4=10, could set up
System quit from frost remove when meet any one of the above condition, specific action and time sequence see hereunder chart:
C: work state: compressor off, fan on, postpone 60S, four way valve off; postpone 30s, compressor on, water pump on.
  3.3 force defrosting
  The unit is running with hot water mode , if touch the “down” keys and hold down more than about 8 seconds, when the buzzer "beep" sound immediately after the release button into force defrost status When the force of frost to set the time or temperature, the system automatically forced out of defrost water into the normal system state.
4. Unit cycle water pump: Water pump turns on when unit running, unit stop but water pump delay thirty seconds to stop.
5. Four way valve: work only when defrosting and cooling mode.
6. Water filling valve: (when removing frost, water filling valve cut off) On the mode of cycle water, when water level switch cut off, water filling valve open to supply water until water level switch put through, delay 2 minutes stop supplying water.

4.3 Protection instruction

1postpone 3 minuets to protect compressor during on/off.
2protection on water flow switch:
When the circulating pump running, test the flow switch, ⑴ if the COMP is not running, the detected flow switch off and lasted about 20 seconds, then determine the flow switch failure, then close the output, alarm and displays the fault code, about 3 minutes after the alarm stops and re-start circulation pump, repeat the process; ⑵ if the COMP has started, switch off when water is detected and more than eight seconds, then determine the flow switch failure, this time close the output, alarm and display the failure code , about 3 minutes after the alarm stops and re-start circulation pump, repeat the process;
3Protection on high discharge temperature. when discharge temperature≥115℃and last 30s, system decide it is high temperature .Fan off, and show error code. Restarted work after 3 minutes.
4protection on high pressureWhen the high pressure switches is off 3 times within one hour, show error code and alarm, stop compressor, fan and water pump. When high pressure switch recover, postpone 3 minutes restarted work. If high pressure switch off over 3 times in one hour, system will lock the error, close all output signal, and do not restarted whatever the pressure is recover.
5protection on low pressure. When the low switch is off 3 times within one hour, show error code and alarm, stop compressor, fan and water pump. When low pressure switch recover, postpone 3 minutes restarted work. If low pressure switch off over 3 times in one hour, system will lock the error, close all output signal, and do not restarted whatever the pressure is recover.
6sensor error: All output will stop. Troubleshooting after restart
7phase protectionWhen the first of DIP switch choose the number side, it has phase check function. If it has problem, stop all output and show error code. It must recover only the error solved.

5.    Maintenance

Suppose malfunction occur, switch off power source immediately. The following analyses is only for reference
Item No
Malfunction description
Malfunction code
Malfunction dispose
Phase sequence malfunction detection
External power supply phase sequence error
External power supply to replace any of the three-phase two-phase power supply wiring
Missing phase
Power supply phase missing
Check power supply
Flow switch malfunction
Water flow switch is not properly access electronic control box
Check and join
Regulation of water flow switch spring preload adjustment is incorrect, resulting in insufficient water flow, but flow switch does not close
To re-install the flow switch
Water flow switch is not installed correctly (the wrong direction, flow switches, valve selection error)
To re-install the flow switch
Water flow is too small
Check water-way valve is fully open, or change the water pump to increase flow

Item No
Malfunction description
Malfunction code
Malfunction dispose
high pressure failures
Expansion valve opening is too small
Adjust thermal expansion valve opening larger
Water flow is too small
Check the water-way valve is fully open, or change the water pump to increase flow
Dust accumulation fin heat exchanger
Unit operation will have a period of time scaling phenomenon, cleaning
Thermal relay over-current protection
Check the thermal relay
 low pressure failures
Expansion valve opening is too small
Adjust thermal expansion valve opening larger
System has a leak
Refrigerant leak detection and re-filling
Dust accumulation fin heat exchanger
Unit run period of time will produce dust phenomenon, cleaning
Communication failure
The wiring troubles
Check the line
The controller is wrong
Change the controller
Limited time

High discharge temperature
Expansion valve opening is too small
Adjust thermal expansion valve opening larger
System has a leak
Refrigerant leak detection and re-filling
Temperature probe is damaged(Resistance produce changes)
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe
Water tank sensor circuit short or open
Circuit board temperature probe is not inserted well or loose
Re-insert temperature probe
Temperature probe is damaged
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe

Item No
Malfunction description
Malfunction code
Malfunction dispose
The defrosting temp sensor circuit short or open
Circuit board temperature probe is not inserted well or loose
Re-insert temperature probe
Temperature probe is damaged
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe
The discharge temp sensor circuit short or open
Circuit board temperature probe is not inserted well or loose
Re-insert temperature probe
Temperature probe is damaged
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe
Ambient temp sensor circuit short or open
Circuit board temperature probe is not inserted well or loose
Re-insert temperature probe
Temperature probe is damaged
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe
Back water temp sensor circuit short or open
Circuit board temperature probe is not inserted well or loose
Re-insert temperature probe
Temperature probe is damaged
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe
Water level switch broken
Outlet water temp sensor circuit short or open
Circuit board temperature probe is not inserted well or loose
Re-insert temperature probe
Temperature probe is damaged
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe
Return gas temperature sensor circuit short or open
Circuit board temperature probe is not inserted well or loose
Re-insert temperature probe
Temperature probe is damaged
Replacement of the corresponding temperature probe
Water pressure switch broken
Compressor over current

Note: other malfunction indication occurs, please contact the manufacturer or it is authorized dealer.
a)       Only qualified professional is allowed to do system installation and maintenance. Check protection device and controlling components carefully, in order to assure normal performance.
b)    Once system works normally, no need to change refrigerating system.
c)       System designed with full consideration of maintenance. Most of maintenance can be handled through maintenance door.
d)        Usually, user just needs to check if there is dust or sundries on fin/tube heat exchanger, condensing air status. Timely cleaning for heat exchanger is recommended, especially for environment with oil and dust.
To assure system performance, proper maintenance is recommended. Suppose the unit does not use for long time in winter, please drain off the water inside of hydraulic circle.


Mr. Radomil Šejnoha

WhatsApp / Mobile

  + 420 792464322



Mr.Radomil Sejnoha

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Mr. Radomil SEJNOHA


Kontrolní panel

Řídicí systém od America Group M se střízlivě logickým a stabilním výkonem.

Kompresor Copeland USA

1.500.000 ks instalací 
za posledních 5 let.

America Copeland scroll scroll kompresor, 
speciálně navržený pro tepelné čerpadlo, pracuje s vysokou účinností.

Specifikace Tepelné čerpadlo vzduch-voda Clitech CAR-16XB

Země výroby:Čína
Vyhřívaná plocha, m2:215
Typ tepelného čerpadla:Vzduch-voda
Jmenovitý tepelný výkon, kW:    15 
Průměrná spotřeba energie při vytápění, kW / h:3.4 KW /h
Jmenovitý odběr proudu při vytápění, A:16 A 
Maximální teplota výstupní vody, ℃:55
COP (transformační poměr):4.4
Napětí (připojení) V / Hz:220-240 / 50
Hlučnost, dB (A):53
Hmotnost zařízení, kg:150
Typ tlumivek (ventilů):Elektronické expanzní ventily / tepelné expanzní ventily
Rozsah provozních teplot, ℃:—15 ~ 45
Délka, mm:810
Šířka, mm:780
Výška, mm:1050
Vlastnosti kompresoru
Množství, ks:1
Ochranné funkce:Integrovaná ochrana proti přehřátí, ochrana proti nesprávnému připojení, ochrana proti přepětí, časová prodleva
Výměník tepla vzduch / voda
Výkon motoru, kW:0,1
Typ:žebrovaný výměník tepla
Množství, ks:1
Foukání:ventilátor s účinným vyfukováním
Výměník tepla pro teplou vodu
Průtok vody, metry krychlové / hod:2.44
Typ:výměník tepla trubka v trubce s vysokou účinností
Minimální tlak vody, kPa:29
Průměr potrubní přípojky, palec:1
Maximální tlak vody, kPa:1000
Informace o produktu
Váha135,00 kg
(D x Š x V)1110,00 mm x 460,00 mm x 695,00 mm

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